Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life

Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life - Hardcover

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INR 2999.00


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Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life is the essential guide for anyone and everyone wanting to feel more empowered in their lives. Written by self-development coach and 'Queen of Manifesting' Roxie Nafousi, this book is the first truly practical guide to manifesting, the hugely popular self-development practice that will transform your life for good.

In just seven simple steps, you will learn how to:

  • Be clear in your vision. What do you really want to achieve in your life? Once you know what you want, you can start to manifest it.
  • Remove fear and doubt. Your thoughts and feelings have a powerful impact on your ability to manifest your dreams. If you are filled with fear and doubt, it will be much harder to achieve your goals.
  • Align your behavior. Your actions must be aligned with your goals in order to manifest them. If you say you want to be rich, but you spend all your money on unnecessary things, you will never achieve your goal.
  • Overcome tests from the universe. The universe will often test you to see if you are truly committed to your goals. When these tests come up, it is important to stay positive and focused on your vision.
  • Embrace gratitude without caveats. Gratitude is a powerful force that can help you manifest your dreams. When you are grateful for what you have, you open yourself up to receiving even more.
  • Turn envy into inspiration. When you see someone else achieving their goals, it is easy to feel envious. However, instead of letting envy get the best of you, use it as inspiration to achieve your own goals.
  • Trust in the universe. The universe is always working in your favor, even when it doesn't seem like it. Trust that the universe has your back and that you will achieve your goals if you stay positive and focused.

Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life is a practical and inspiring guide that will help you create the life you have always dreamed of. If you are ready to take control of your life and manifest your dreams, then this book is for you.

Here are some of the benefits you can expect from reading Manifest:

  • You will learn how to set clear and achievable goals.
  • You will overcome fear and doubt and start believing in yourself.
  • You will align your actions with your goals and start taking steps towards your dreams.
  • You will learn how to handle challenges and setbacks.
  • You will become more grateful for what you have and attract even more abundance into your life.
  • You will turn envy into inspiration and use it to fuel your own success.
  • You will learn to trust the universe and let go of control.

Product information

Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life is the essential guide for anyone and everyone wanting to feel more empowered in their lives. Written by self-development coach and 'Queen of Manifesting' Roxie Nafousi, this book is the first truly practical guide to manifesting, the hugely popular self-development practice that will transform your life for good.

In just seven simple steps, you will learn how to:

  • Be clear in your vision. What do you really want to achieve in your life? Once you know what you want, you can start to manifest it.
  • Remove fear and doubt. Your thoughts and feelings have a powerful impact on your ability to manifest your dreams. If you are filled with fear and doubt, it will be much harder to achieve your goals.
  • Align your behavior. Your actions must be aligned with your goals in order to manifest them. If you say you want to be rich, but you spend all your money on unnecessary things, you will never achieve your goal.
  • Overcome tests from the universe. The universe will often test you to see if you are truly committed to your goals. When these tests come up, it is important to stay positive and focused on your vision.
  • Embrace gratitude without caveats. Gratitude is a powerful force that can help you manifest your dreams. When you are grateful for what you have, you open yourself up to receiving even more.
  • Turn envy into inspiration. When you see someone else achieving their goals, it is easy to feel envious. However, instead of letting envy get the best of you, use it as inspiration to achieve your own goals.
  • Trust in the universe. The universe is always working in your favor, even when it doesn't seem like it. Trust that the universe has your back and that you will achieve your goals if you stay positive and focused.

Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life is a practical and inspiring guide that will help you create the life you have always dreamed of. If you are ready to take control of your life and manifest your dreams, then this book is for you.

Here are some of the benefits you can expect from reading Manifest:

  • You will learn how to set clear and achievable goals.
  • You will overcome fear and doubt and start believing in yourself.
  • You will align your actions with your goals and start taking steps towards your dreams.
  • You will learn how to handle challenges and setbacks.
  • You will become more grateful for what you have and attract even more abundance into your life.
  • You will turn envy into inspiration and use it to fuel your own success.
  • You will learn to trust the universe and let go of control.