Life's Amazing Secrets by Gaur Gopal Das

Life's Amazing Secrets by Gaur Gopal Das - Paperback

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INR 199.00


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Life's Amazing Secrets is a book about finding balance and purpose in your life. Through stories, anecdotes, and insights from his own life, Gaur Gopal Das explores the four wheels of a happy and fulfilling life: personal life, relationships, work-life, and social contribution.

Das argues that in order to live a truly happy life, we need to keep all four wheels balanced. If one wheel is out of balance, it can throw the whole car off course. For example, if our personal life is suffering, it can be difficult to be successful at work. Or, if our relationships are strained, it can be hard to find joy in our social life.

Das offers practical advice on how to keep all four wheels of our lives balanced. He teaches us how to set boundaries, how to say no, and how to prioritize our time. He also shares his insights on topics such as gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness.

Life's Amazing Secrets is a wise and insightful book that can help you find balance and purpose in your life. Whether you are looking for ways to improve your relationships, your work-life balance, or your overall happiness, this book has something to offer you.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • The four wheels of a happy and fulfilling life are personal life, relationships, work-life, and social contribution.
  • In order to live a truly happy life, we need to keep all four wheels balanced.
  • We can keep our wheels balanced by setting boundaries, saying no, and prioritizing our time.
  • Gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness are essential for a happy and fulfilling life.

Product information

Life's Amazing Secrets is a book about finding balance and purpose in your life. Through stories, anecdotes, and insights from his own life, Gaur Gopal Das explores the four wheels of a happy and fulfilling life: personal life, relationships, work-life, and social contribution.

Das argues that in order to live a truly happy life, we need to keep all four wheels balanced. If one wheel is out of balance, it can throw the whole car off course. For example, if our personal life is suffering, it can be difficult to be successful at work. Or, if our relationships are strained, it can be hard to find joy in our social life.

Das offers practical advice on how to keep all four wheels of our lives balanced. He teaches us how to set boundaries, how to say no, and how to prioritize our time. He also shares his insights on topics such as gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness.

Life's Amazing Secrets is a wise and insightful book that can help you find balance and purpose in your life. Whether you are looking for ways to improve your relationships, your work-life balance, or your overall happiness, this book has something to offer you.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • The four wheels of a happy and fulfilling life are personal life, relationships, work-life, and social contribution.
  • In order to live a truly happy life, we need to keep all four wheels balanced.
  • We can keep our wheels balanced by setting boundaries, saying no, and prioritizing our time.
  • Gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness are essential for a happy and fulfilling life.